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Showing posts from December, 2020

Exploring The Sense Of Smell

This a ctivity is a sensory play for young children to explore their sense of smell and to help them learn the different textures and feels of different objects. Smell is one of our five senses and is strongly connected to our memories . I used a variety of spices that I put in small bags, which are safe for children to smell and touch. The different spices are an important part of learning how to identify the spice.  The a rea I am developing through this activity is to help children learn vital important sensory attributes and to supports cognitive growth, motor skills, problem solving skills, and to develop their knowledge. The use of sensory material creates hands-on, self-directed, and self-centred play, and it encourages discovery and development. This approach appeals to children who have different learning and thinking styles. EYLF Learning Outcomes: 4.1 Children develop disposition such as curiosity, cooperation, confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persisten...

Sensory Book (Fruit and Animals Theme)

I made this book as a sensory play for young children to develop and increase memory function. It is a great way for calming an anxious or frustrated child. It also triggers a child’s interest and ability in completing more complex learning tasks. The theme in this crochet book is an important part of learning how to identify different kind of fruit and animals. The area I am developing through this activity is to help children learn vital important sensory attributes (rough, soft), and to supports cognitive growth, motor skills, problem solving skills, and social interaction.     EYLF Learning Outcomes: 4.3 Children transfer and adapt what they have learned from one context to another   National Quality Standard 4.1.1 – The organisation of educators across the service support children’s learning and development Theorist link Piaget’s theories  - He believes that children need to be able to see, touch , taste, smell, move and hear the things they are learning about. ...