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Traditional Mexican Rice Pudding (Arroz Con Leche).

I feel like I wanna try to make a dessert, so I searched on Internet and found some interesting article about traditional Mexican dessert.

Actually, it's like a rice pudding. But in Spain, they call it  Arroz con leche. And it's sound different and interesting for me. 😆😆😆

 When I read the  article, looks like it's easy to make. So I have a look to my kitchen and fridge to see if I  have the ingredients.

 Anddd there is some of the ingredients that I don't have 😭😭😭 
 I'm lazy to go for shopping - 'coz its very windy today in Melbourne. 

Buttttt I think I still can make it with the ingredients that I have! 
Nothing to worry about. 😆😆😆

So, I change some ingredients, and the way I cooked is a bit different with the article that I read before. 
And I  think it's make it simple 😆😆😆

Just keep calm and cook on! 😙😙😙

Sooo - I prepared 1 cup of arborio rice, rinse it twice, then cook it in a rice cooker. 

While the rice cooking, I prepare 2 cups of milk, 1 tbsp flour, 1/2 cup sugar, 1 egg and 1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract. 
Put them in a bowl and whisk them together. (Milk mixture**)

After the rice cooked, replace it to a pan, then add 2 tbsp of butter and mix them.

And then, pour the milk mixture** over the rice, stir to combine and simmer for 15 minutes. 

When simmering, please stir it occasionally.  
Don't put the lid on, and don't ever you dare to leave it, or it will burn - like I did!! Hahaha  ðŸ˜‚😂😂

😆😆😆 Luckily,  its only burnt in the bottom.  So I spoon it carefully on the top and move it to a bowl and I still can enjoy it 😆😆😆

After 15 minutes simmer, add another 1 cup of milk, 1/2 cup heavy cream, 1/2 cup sultanas (optional), and 1/2 tsp cinnamon over the rice and mix well.

That's it! 
Very easy and quick to make 😘😘😘

You can serve it warm or cold 😘😘😘



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