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Last week, there was an event to make a Pastizzi in Altona Meadows library .

Pastizzi is a traditional savoury pastry from Malta. 

 It's usually has a filling of either ricotta or peas.

But actually, you can use any filling you like 😊

We made the pastry from scratch, with the instruction from the pastry chef - Peter Haber. 

This is the one and only picture I have with the chef. And it's 200% BLUR!! 

To make the dough, we have to be super patience. 😣
Its a very hard work!😭😨😵

At first, we need to mix 500gr of flour, 2 tea spoon of salt and approx 300ml water.

We have to mix them all together for about 15 minutes - to form smooth silky dough.

**(This is the hard part we have to do. Make sure that you have eaten already - to give you more energy. Coz you need to move your muscle to make the dough!!)**

After the dough smooth and silky, we need to wrap it, and let it rest for 15 minutes.

**But actually, the longer you rest it, the better.
If you have enough time, let it rest at least 1 hour**

Once the dough is complete, we need to spread the dough as thin as we can, but make sure not to wreck it.

After that, we need to spray alittle bit of oil to the dough, then rub a small amount of mix margarine and vegetable shortening to the dough, and rest it again for 15 minutes.

After 15 minutes, we need to roll it to become like a big sausage shape.

After it rolled, wrap it, and rest it again for another 15 minutes.

It was a long wait before the dough was ready to use.

But even though it's hard work and long waiting,  you have to keep smiling on camera 😅😉 hahaha 

It's important to remember the reason we love to 

cook: it creates beauty, joy and love ! 💖💕💖💕

I made my own apron with the matching Chef hat 😉

I'll show you how to make it (later) on my next post.

 So - stay tuned 😉😊😆😄

After the big roll of the dough was ready, the chef demonstrated how to make the pastry.

He use his hand to roll the dough into a longer strip, then he cut it into 4 cm square pieces. 

We will get about 15 or 20 pastry from it.

And when it's our turn to make what the chef just demonstrated,  I forgot. Hahaha  😆😂😅

But finally I made it - even the shape is not that perfect  😆😆😆 

These are the pastizzi with the peas filling. 

And these are the pastizzi with the ricotta filling. 

I made about 20 pastizzi from the dough I made.

The Pastizzi need to be bake in a very HOT oven - 220°c for about 20 minutes. 

And this is the Pastizzi I made!
Yum yummm 😙😙😙


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