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Upside Down Banana Cake

A few months ago, I made an upside down banana cake. It only needs 50 minutes to bake at 175°c. Let it cool for a while then flip it over on to a plate and delicately slide off the cake tin and then enjoy with some ice cream. Yummmmm 😙😙😙

And because it was yummy,  so I  want to make it again.

It's very simple to make 😘😘😘

You just need 5 very ripe bananas and mashed them.
Add 3 eggs, 1/2 cup of olive oil, 1/2 cup sugar, and 1 tbsp cinnamon.
 And mix them all together. 

After you mixed them, add 2 cups of flour.

Then mix again (Set aside).


Melt 1/2 cup of butter, add 1 cup of brown sugar, then bring it to boil until it is caramelized. 

Pour it into an oven dish.

Once it is in the oven dish, place sliced banana on top of the caramelized mixture. 

Then be careful not to  make the same clumsy mistake as I did and end up breaking the  oven dish all over the stove top and leaving hard crusty caramel for me to clean up off the stove. 

Apparently the oven dish wasn't designed to be used on a hot stove. 
Ah well,  lessons learnt 😆😅😆😅

The dish was broken, glass everywhere! Caramelized everywhere! Sticky everywhere! And it's messy everywhere!! 😭😭😭

Omg!! It drove me crazy 😨😨😨


Ps: Learn how to cook - try new recipes, learn from your mistakes, be fearless, and above all - HAVE FUN!


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